T.I.M.E. Stories Revolution – Experience

Original price was: €19,99.Current price is: €17,95.

Experience adventures through time and multiple realities.

T.I.M.E. Stories is een coöperatief bordspel met rollenspelelementen waarbij het verhaal een belangrijk element vormt. Als groep ga je tijdreizen maken om fouten in de tijdlijn te corrigeren. Elk avontuur bestaat uit een deck kaarten die je kunt verkennen. Elke speler heeft een personage met ieder zijn eigen voor- en nadelen.
Experience is een optionele uitbreiding voor de T.I.M.E. Stories Revolution serie en kan gecombineerd worden met iedere missie uit de Revolution lijn.

Only 1 left in stock


taal You are a temporal agent of TIME, an organization at the service of humanity. Time travel is now a reality and you are one of the regulators. Due to recent events, TIME had to modify its operations in depth. It still uses receptacles, but time travel now exploits a technology that combines the very advanced science of the 22nd century with strange esoteric methods passed on by the mysterious Syanns.

Experience is additional contents that connects all blue cycle missions. This optional box enables players to deeper immerse the players in the TIME Stories Revolution universe.
In T.I.M.E. Stories Revolution Experience, players embark on a mission to save humanity itself from a threat to the time-space continuum. During this scenario, players discover what takes place in-between missions, and will be allowed to create their own stories for downtime between scenarios.

  • 1 rulebook
  • 1 Threat Wheel
  • 4 Agent Boards
  • 48 Skill cards
  • 29 Threat cards
  • 20 Weakness cards
  • 10 Demand cards
  • 9 Chronology cards
  • 1 Agency’s List

The T.I.M.E. Stories Revolution line (the Blue Cycle of Time Stories) is a series of standalone scenario board games where players delve into the adventures of a temporal agents trying to fix the time stream.
You can start Experience with any of the missions.

bron: Space Cowboys / Asmodee The Netherlands

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Weight453 g





Aantal spelers





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