Star Trek Adventures RPG Second Edition Core Rulebook


Space, The Final Frontier…

nederlands: Dit 376 pagina’s tellende, full-color, hardcover Star Trek Adventures Second Edition Core Rulebook bevat een complete en bijgewerkte versie van de 2d20 System-regels, ontworpen voor een authentieke Star Trek-ervaring.

Star Trek Adventures neemt je mee naar ‘The Final Frontier’, waar nieuwe ontdekkingen wachten op enthousiaste ontdekkingsreizigers. Je missies kunnen je naar de randen van de bekende ruimte brengen, naar Federatiekolonies in nood, naar de grenzen van naburige galactische machten, of naar interstellaire fenomenen. Jouw schip en haar bemanning belichamen het beste dat Starfleet en de United Federation of Planets te bieden hebben, en je bent meer dan ooit nodig.

In dit prachtige hardcover regelboek vind je alles wat je nodig hebt om je eigen avonturen in het Star Trek universum te gaan beleven!

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There’s no such thing as the unknown–only things temporarily hidden, temporarily not understood.
– Captain James T. Kirk

taal The Star Trek Adventures roleplaying game takes you to the final frontier!
From the 21st through to the 32nd century, join Starfleet, the Klingon Empire, the Romulan Star Empire, and countless other civilizations, and journey across the Star Trek universe with your crew. Explore strange new worlds, encounter fantastical alien life-forms, and engage in dramatic adventures in a detailed and immersive Galaxy.
Tell your stories and unravel the mysteries of the unknown!

    This Star Trek Adventures Second Edition Core Rulebook contains:
  • A complete and updated version of the 2d20 System rules, designed for an authentic Star Trek experience.
  • An extensive primer on Star Trek, including details on a range of societies, worlds, species, and the scientific concepts that underpin this timeless universe.
  • 14 player character species to choose from, including Andorian, Cardassian, Klingon, Orion, and Vulcan.
  • Guidelines for both novice and experienced gamemasters, offering advice on challenging your players with dramatic and thoughtful gameplay, unique to the Star Trek universe.
  • Game statistics and graphics for 15 playable starship classes, including Federation, Klingon, and Romulan vessels.
  • Dozens of non-player characters, starships, and creatures to populate your missions, including Federation, Klingon, Cardassian, and Dominion.
  • Historical excerpts, personal logs, and intercepted communications provide fresh perspectives and insights from across the Galaxy.
  • Created by an expert Star Trek development team, including a diverse mix of experienced and new artists, designers, editors, and writers.

To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before!

bron: Modiphius Entertainment

Extra informatie

Weight1603 g
Dimensions28,5 × 22,2 × 2,5 cm





Hardcover, 376 pagina's, full-color


Augustus 2024


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