CoC: Arkham Horror: Dunwich Horror Expansion

Original price was: €61,99.Current price is: €54,50.

Arkham Horror Boardgame expansion

taal De onrust in de wereld van H.P. Lovecraft’s New England stopt niet bij de stadsmuur van Arkham… Het nabij gelegen Dunwich wordt ook geteisterd door onheilspellende gebeurtenissen veroorzaakt door buitenaardse krachten.
De Dunwich Horror is een uitbreidingsset voor het Arkham Horror bordspel. Deze uitbreiding bevat veel nieuw speelmateriaal, waaronder nieuwe investigators, Ancient Ones en monster tokens.

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Wilbur Whateley’s Brother Calls his Father’s Name on Wizard’s Hill…

taal The supernatural disturbances that plague Arkham, Massachussets, are not limited to that unfortunate place. The town of Dunwich is only a short train ride from Arkham, and if anything it is a darker, more frightening place, with its own secrets and its own perils. It looks like the investigators are going to have to protect two towns now instead of just one, if they ignore the dark forces that are stirring in Dunwich, they’ll have to face the wrath of the Dunwich Horror …

Dunwich Horror is an expansion to Arkham Horror, complete with an extra board and the entire town of Dunwich – accessible via train from Arkham. There are plenty of new rules and new components, usable either with or without the Dunwich board addition.

    Features includes:
  • The town of Dunwich, on a new board with new locations and new rules!
  • 8 new investigators with their own reasons for saving the world.
  • 4 new Ancient Ones to desperately struggle against.
  • New Injury and Madness cards for particularly unfortunate investigators.
  • New game concepts, such as gate surges and the Dunwich Horror itself!
  • Over 20 new monster tokens, dozens of new items and skills, new encounters – over 300 new cards in all!

Dunwich Horror requires a copy of Arkham Horror to play. Arkham Horror is a cooperative game for 1-8 players ages 12 and up, that can be played in 2-4 hours.

bron: Fantasy Flight Games / Bergsala Enigma BV

Extra informatie

Weight1440 g



Aantal spelers





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